首页 期刊 2024年06月号(总第98期) 威廉姆斯·阿·布雷克:改革宗圣约福乐主义 至善、美德与律法

威廉姆斯·阿·布雷克:改革宗圣约福乐主义 至善、美德与律法


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基督教神学本质上就是伦理学。改革宗神学的恩典教义从起初就引发了一个问题:唯独因着信靠基督、全然赖恩得救的基督徒,现在到底应当如何生活?这是宗教改革时期的改教家和随后的改革宗正统神学家们都面临的挑战。[2]对于当时的他们来说,教义的革新(reformatio doctrinae)和生命的革新(reformatio vitae),这二者是相互交融,并行不悖的。[3]然而,当代的学术研究却更多聚焦于教义层面,常常忽视或低估偏伦理层面的生命革新,尤其是对于后宗教改革时期(约1625–1725)的研究。因此,本文将重点关注改革宗伦理思想在后宗教改革时期的经典表述。为了弥补相关学术研究的不足,本文将避开学者们着墨相对较多的具体实践伦理议题,而侧重于呈现经典改革宗神学的理论伦理思想。


在过去三十年间,后宗教改革时期的改革宗神学相关研究得到了复兴和重估。[4]越来越多的学者认识到思想史所具有的连续与发展的复杂特性,并基于此对改革宗教义的历史发展进行了卓有成效的研究。然而,在这次复兴中,仅有少数专著聚焦于改革宗传统的伦理思想。[5]而且,虽然这些为数不多的研究在一定程度上重塑了学界对改革宗伦理学的传统认识,但正如下文将要呈现的,它们往往未能准确地描绘出后宗教改革时期的改革宗伦理思想。因此,本文将以改革宗正统神学全盛期(the high Reformed orthodoxy era)的荷兰改革宗牧师和神学家威廉姆斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhelmus à Brakel,1635–1711)为代表,追溯改革宗神学的伦理思想在后宗教改革时期的历史发展,借此对这一问题做出贡献。本文认为,对于以布雷克为代表的改革宗圣约福乐主义(Reformed Covenantal Eudaimonism)的新发现,将有益于澄清当前学界对传统改革宗伦理学的种种误解。










长久以来,改革宗伦理学(无论是历史上的还是当代的)被普遍理解为基于律法的伦理学,以圣经中上帝的律法为构建根基。在伦理学上,它通常被称为神学意志论(theological voluntarism)或神谕论(divine command ethics)。[6]该观点认为道德上的善和正确乃是由上帝的诫命决定的,因此道德义务在于遵从上帝的律法。在改革宗阵营里,持守并推广这种传统叙事的神学家,既有新正统学派的卡尔·巴特(Karl Barth)、埃米尔·布伦纳(Emil Brunner),还有认信改革宗的神学家和伦理学家,以赫曼·巴文克(Herman Bavinck)、威廉·吉辛克(William Geesink)、约翰·默里(John Murray)、约赫姆·杜马(Jochem Douma)、理查德·穆乌(Richard J. Mouw)、约翰·弗瑞姆(John Frame)和韦恩·古德恩(Wayne Gruden)等人为代表。[7]例如,面对上世纪末德性伦理带来的挑战,穆乌专门写作《命令的上帝:论神谕论》一书,为神谕论进行了强有力的辩护,称其为“古典加尔文主义的道德观”。[8]同样,在《基督徒生活的教义》一书中,弗瑞姆特别采用“诫命进路”为其改革宗伦理学的主导结构,尽管他承认美德伦理是圣经伦理学的重要组成之一。背后的原因是,基于诫命的伦理方法“符合改革宗的传统,改革宗通常从上帝律法的角度阐释基督教伦理”。[9]最近,菲利普·齐格勒(Philip Ziegler)在新出版的《牛津改革宗神学手册》(Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology)中指出,上帝的律法“长期以来一直被认为是改革宗伦理学的核心”。事实上,“自其成形的几个世纪以来,改革宗的信仰告白、教理问答和众多的神学家都以十诫为伦理反思和道德指导的基本模式,因而对十诫进行了广泛的阐释”。[10]如今,这种基于律法的伦理学叙事往往不假思索地被认定为自17世纪以来的改革宗伦理学正统。约翰·加尔文(15091564)和各种改革宗教理问答正是这一传统观点最常引用的权威。[11]


然而,近年出现的改革宗自然法理论和美德伦理都使得这一传统叙事受到挑战。在最近三十年间,改革宗学者见证了自然法理论的复兴。[12]自然法理论有诸多不同的定义,其中基督教自然法理论认为上帝在人天然的本性中设置了一个普世法则,作为道德的善和正确的标准。这一法则是与生俱来、普世皆知的,让人无可推诿。因为自然法与天主教道德神学关联密切,学者们对其在传统改革宗伦理学中的角色展开了激烈地争论。[13]如今的普遍共识是,16–17世纪的改革宗神学家不仅继承了中世纪的自然法传统,“将其视为一种无争议的遗产”,[14]而且“直到19世纪还理所当然地将自然法框架用于伦理反思”。[15]这一结论建立在苏珊·E. 施瑞纳(Susan E. Schreiner)、约翰·刘易斯·马歇尔(John Lewis Marshall)、丹尼尔·韦斯特伯格(Daniel Westberg)、保罗·赫尔姆(Paul Helm)、詹姆斯·加尔文·戴维斯(James Calvin Davis)、斯蒂芬·格拉比尔(Stephen Grabill)、阿扎·古德里安(Aza Goudriaan)、小约翰·维特(John Witte, Jr.)、戴维·范德伦(David VanDrunen)、詹姆斯·E. 布鲁斯(James E. Bruce)和戴维·S. 西茨马(David S. Sytsma)等多位学者数十年的历史研究基础之上。[16]这些学术文章和专著令人信服地证明了改革宗自然法传统的连续性,从约翰·加尔文、彼得·马蒂尔·弗米格利(Peter Martyr Vermigli,1499–1562)和约翰·诺克斯等早期改教家,到西奥多·贝扎(Theodore Beza,1519–1605)、杰罗姆·赞奇(Jerome Zanchi,1516–1590)、约翰内斯·阿尔图修斯(Johannes Althusius,1557–1638)、乔治·吉列士比(George Gillespie,1613–1648)、威廉·埃姆斯(William Ames,1576–1633)、吉斯贝图斯·沃修斯(Gisbertus Voetius,1589–1776)、罗杰·威廉姆斯(Roger Williams,1603–1683)撒母耳·卢瑟福(Samuel Rutherford,1600–1661)、约翰·欧文(John Owen,1616–1683)、理查德·巴克斯特(Richard Baxter,1615–1691)、弗朗西斯·图伦丁(Francis Turretin,1623–1687)、彼得·范·马思璀Petrus van Mastricht,1630–1706)等改革宗正统神学家,再到19世纪的查尔斯·贺治(Charles Hodge,1797–1878)和雅各·汤惠尔(James Thornwell,1812–1862)。尽管学者们对自然法的使用范围尚有争议,[17]但毫无争议的底线是“路德、慈运理和加尔文,以及随后的所有更正教正统神学家都谈到了自然法”。[18]因此,要全面描绘历史中的改革宗伦理学,就必须承认自然法的角色。


20世纪道德哲学的重大转变是伊丽莎白·安斯科姆(Elizabeth Anscombe)和阿拉斯代尔·麦金太尔(Alasdair MacIntyre)所带来的美德回归。[19]到上世纪末,德性论已经发展为与义务论和后果论旗鼓相当的三大伦理学理论之一。[20]当代的德性伦理学可以被广义地定义为一种以美德为中心的伦理学,它“1)使美德的概念先于正确的行动,在这个意义上,美德可以脱离正确的行动而被理解;2)认为脱离了对美德的解释,正确的行动就不能被完全理解”。[21]当代的德性伦理以一种更有力的方式,动摇了有关古典改革宗伦理学的传统叙事。与本研究相关的是,早期的德性伦理倡导者在主张恢复亚里士多德德性论的同时,往往将其在历史中的衰落归咎于更正教的宗教改革。他们普遍认为,改教家们及其追随者用上帝绝对无条件的诫命重新定义了何为“善”,何为“正确”,用律法伦理学取代了中世纪亚里士多德的目的论德性伦理,最终为世俗伦理学铺平了道路。[22]然而,这种流行的叙事没有太多深入的历史研究作为支撑。他们将16–17世纪的更正教伦理学与之前的基督教伦理学传统截然对立,这种做法也受到了广泛的质疑。后来诸多的学者们,特别是道德哲学的史学家,都证明了道德哲学从古希腊到早期现代的连续性。[23]自中世纪经院哲学以来,亚里士多德的伦理学一直在基督教伦理学中占据主导地位。与此同时,其他希腊哲学流派,诸如柏拉图主义、斯多葛主义和伊壁鸠鲁主义也都在早期现代的道德哲学中占据了一席之地。[24]最近的研究进一步证明,所有这些所谓的现代道德哲学的奠基人,弗朗西斯科·苏雷兹(Francisco Suárez,1548–1617)、雨果·格劳秀斯(Hugo Grotius,1583–1645)、托马斯·霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes,1588–1679)、勒内·笛卡尔(René Descartes,1596–1650)、巴鲁克·斯宾诺莎(Baruch Spinoza,1632–1677)和大卫·休谟(David Hume,1711–1776)继续在德性伦理的传统中进行反思和研究,[25]同时逐渐“将伦理学从一门基于权威的学科转变为一门理性演绎的学科。[26]直到18世纪末,康德的义务论伦理学和英国的功利主义兴起,以命令、要求、义务和至善等概念取代了美德的角色。至此,古希腊的德性伦理“作为一种默认的伦理思考方式(才)开始受到挑战”。[27]


自上世纪90年代以来,这个道德哲学史上的新发现在改革宗圈子里受到了关注和追随。[28]唐纳德·辛尼玛(Donald Sinnema)、克里斯托夫·斯特罗姆(Christoph Strohm)、理查德·穆勒、斯蒂芬·威尔逊(Stephen Wilson)、卢卡·巴斯切拉(Luca Baschera)、伊丽莎白·阿格纽·科克伦(Elizabeth Agnew Cochran)、塞巴斯蒂安·雷曼(Sebastian Rehnman)、尼科·沃斯特(Nico Vorster)、彼得·沃斯(Pieter Vos)、马可·霍夫海因茨(Marco Hofheinz)、纳撒尼尔·沃恩(Nathaniel Warne)、瑞恩·梅诺·里德(Ryan Maynor Reed)、大卫·S·西茨玛(David S. Sytsma)和多米尼克·克拉默(Dominique Klamer)等学者都强烈认为,16–17世纪的改革宗神学家并没有脱离这种持久的德性伦理传统。[29]


不仅彼得·弗米格利(Peter Vermigli)、兰伯特·达诺(Lambert Daneau,1530–1590)、巴塞洛缪·凯克曼(Bartholomaeus Keckermann,1572–1609)和安东尼厄斯·瓦莱乌斯(Antonius Walaeus,1573–1639)等更具哲学思想的改革宗神学家曾努力地将传统的亚里士多德德性伦理学纳入改革宗伦理学,而且加尔文、阿曼杜斯·波拉努斯(Amandus Polanus,1561–1610)、威廉·埃姆斯(William Ames)、彼得鲁斯·范·马思璀(Petrus van Mastricht),甚至18世纪的乔纳森·爱德华滋(1703–1758)都继续在这个德性伦理的框架中思考和研究。不仅欧洲大陆的加尔文主义者,而且英国绝大部分的清教徒都“委身于托马斯—亚里士多德式的道德生活观”。[30]在最近一项开创性的研究中,曼弗雷德·斯文森(Manfred Svensson)调查了16–17世纪更正教对亚里士多德《尼各马可伦理学》40多部的注释。他得出结论,这本书“在1529–1682年间持续构成(更正教)道德教育的支柱”。[31]除了亚里士多德的影响之外,一些学者还发现了柏拉图和斯多葛学派对改革宗美德传统的影响。[32]因此,所有这些新的发现或提议都要求我们对16–17世纪的改革宗伦理学历史的学术研究进行重新定位。




作为一位敬虔的牧者,布雷克在荷兰本土家喻户晓、倍受爱戴,而在20世纪90年代,当他的巨著《理所当然的侍奉》英文译本出版后,他在国际上开始名声大噪。[33]而在此之前,针对布雷克的学术研究一般都是荷兰语。[34]迄今为止,第一部也是唯一一部专门研究布雷克的博士论文仍是F. J. 洛斯(F. J. Los)1892年的论文,它基本上是布雷克的生平和著述的传记性论述。[35]过去几十年中,又有两本有关布雷克的荷兰语传记书籍出版。[36]除了这些传记作品,学者们还研究了布雷克的诸多神学观点,包括教会论[37]、救恩论[38]、主餐和洗礼[39]、敬虔主义和灵修生活[40]、以色列观[41]、圣灵论[42]、圣约神学[43]、三一论与敬虔[44]、自然神学[45]、上帝的荣耀和得荣耀[46]、人的内心[47]、安息日[48]、预定论的教牧应用[49],以及他的讲道和讲章[50]。在这些研究中,布雷克被认可为一位牧者型神学家,“荷兰二次宗教改革中经历性基督教(experiential Christianity)的典范”[51],“一位真正的灵魂医生,远超早期的清教徒灵魂医生威廉·埃姆斯和威廉·珀金斯”[52],一位敬虔主义者,“如果不是因为语言障碍……本可成为欧美杰出的敬虔主义神学家之一”[53],同时也是一位出色的圣约神学家和17世纪改革宗正统神学家的重要代表。[54]他的杰作融合了“沃修斯、科克斯和韦特修斯的洞见”[55],被认为是荷兰毫无争议的“最受欢迎的面向平信徒的教义著作”[56]。因此,它“对荷兰改革宗平信徒的神学思想的影响”仅次于圣经。[57]


然而,无论是荷兰语还是英语,都没有关于布雷克神学及其伦理学的专著。尽管布雷克的《理所当然的侍奉》中有五十多章专门论述基督徒的生活,但无论是最近方兴未艾的布雷克研究,还是复兴中的改革宗伦理学研究,都没有对布雷克的伦理学给予太多关注。[58]20世纪90年代,理查德·穆勒(Richard Muller)发表了一篇期刊文章,虽然这篇文章与布雷克的伦理学并无直接关系,但却揭示了圣约和自然法的概念在布雷克的伦理学中所扮演的重要角色。在仔细研究布雷克的行为之约后,穆勒得出结论,布雷克的神学“默认了律法与圣约之间的内在关系,并将行为之约的律法与自然法和摩西律法完全对等”。[59]莉迪亚·金万·达伦(Lydia Kim-van Daalen)于2011年发表了另一篇期刊文章,“布雷克的美德灵性及其对灵魂关怀的意义”(à Brakel’s Spirituality of Virtues and Its Implications for Soul Care)。该文首次对布雷克的美德理论进行了学术研究,不过正如标题所示,这篇文章主要关注的是布雷克关于灵性生活的教导。达伦发现,布雷克发展了一套系统的美德理论,包括美德的来源、美德的定义、各种美德以及促进美德的目标和手段。此外,她还指出,布雷克在论述“十诫”时提到了“50多种美德”,因此,美德的概念是开启布雷克整个成圣教义的钥匙。[60]然而,金万·达伦未能将布雷克的美德理论置于16–17世纪改革宗伦理学的背景中,因而夸大了布雷克美德理论的独特贡献,以至于她认为布雷克的美德理论与其同时代的清教徒以及柏拉图和亚里士多德等古典作家的美德理论有很大不同。[61]周必克和保罗·斯麦利(Paul M. Smalley)2016年发表的文章“Wilhelmus à Brakel’s Biblical Ethics of Spirituality”(<布雷克关于灵性生活的圣经伦理学>)强调了布雷克对十诫的处理。他们依循传统叙事,认为十诫律法是布雷克的圣经伦理学和灵性生活的精髓。[62]因此,布雷克对美德的大篇幅论述都被忽略了。同样,在当前改革宗伦理学的复兴中,布雷克的著作除了约翰·费斯科(John Fesko)、戴维·范德伦和布鲁斯·鲍格斯(Bruce Baugus)偶有提及之外,已被完全遗漏了。费斯科以布雷克接受“注入的习惯”(infused habits)为例,证明美德这一概念“曾是改革宗正统神学家论述成圣和伦理学的常见主题”。[63]范德伦认识到,布雷克与改革宗的要理问答传统一脉相承,将美德的概念与上帝的律法密不可分地关联起来。[64]另一位学者鲍格斯同样指出,布雷克围绕十诫和相应的美德来组织他的伦理学,处于加尔文和埃姆斯之间。[65]






以上三种关于古典改革宗伦理学的叙事,是相互对立还是相互补充?学者们通常采用一种整合的模式来协调新发现与传统叙事。例如,改革宗自然法的支持者认为,“持守自然法的伦理表述与基于上帝谕令来解释人类的道德义务,这两者并不矛盾。”[66]原因在于,与现代世俗化的自然法不同,传统改革宗思想中的自然法是上帝律法的一部分,源于上帝永恒不变的旨意。掌管自然的上帝把它普遍印刻在人的本性中,因而,它的颁布不同于记载成文的律法。然而,它在本质上与圣经记载成文的十诫律法基本相同。[67]这种整合的模式也被最近的改革宗德性伦理倡导者所采用。沃斯认为,在加尔文看来,“德性伦理(培养对公义的爱)与诫命伦理(遵行上帝的诫命)相辅相成。”[68]作为一个整体,“自然法、德性和各种美德共同构成了整个16–17世纪更正教主流伦理学的组成部分。”[69]尼科·沃斯特(Nico Vorster)更进一步,对更正教伦理学传统中德性伦理与诫命伦理之间的区分提出了质疑。沃斯特认为,这种区分本身“是肤浅的,没有什么实际意义,因为(在更正教改革中)美德并不排斥责任,责任也不排斥美德”。[70]尽管已经有了这些整合的努力,还没有任何历史研究来表明,圣经道德律、自然法和美德这三个重要元素如何携手构建了古典的改革宗伦理学。


本研究将以布雷克为例,提出了一种更加全面的整合方法,以实现学者们所提议的重新定位。有一个尚未解决的核心问题,那就是在针对古典改革宗伦理学的讨论中,道德律、自然法和美德三者中哪一个是最根基性的概念。近十年来,越来越多的学者将美德视为根基性的概念。例如,有一位学者明确宣称,改革宗伦理学“(最初)以美德为中心”。[71]然而,研究古希腊道德哲学的著名学者们,已经开始质疑美德这一概念在当代德性伦理中的核心性。因为美德这一概念在古希腊伦理学中只是“一个更大结构的一部分,在这个结构中,首要的概念是幸福”,或“至善”。[72]朱莉娅·阿纳斯(Julia Annas)认为,古希腊所有主要的哲学流派都将伦理学理解为追求至善(summum bonum),这就是人的幸福或福乐,即eudaimonia(通常译为“幸福”、“安康”或“福乐”),并且都认为“没有美德,就无法实现人的幸福,即eudaimonia”。但他们对幸福和美德的性质,以及美德与幸福的关系,却有不同的看法。[73]Eudaimonia一词所指的并不是当今社会的那种主观快乐感或满足感的幸福。相反,它被认为是能够满足人内心深处一切渴望和欲求的最佳生活方式。正如有学者所指处的,从本质上来讲,古希腊人眼中的“幸福”(eudaimonia)“是一种像神(godlikeness)的状态,我们只有通过培养我们身上真正的神性或类似神的性情,才能达到这种状态”。[74]从这个角度而言,前现代思想中的伦理学,它所关切的是人到底如何才能像神,如何才能成为幸福,而不是关于人具体行为的对错。当代德性伦理学家往往忽视法律在古希腊福乐主义伦理学中的作用,但诸多的研究表明,遵从律法是古典福乐主义传统的一个重要元素。不仅是斯多葛派,苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德都在其伦理学中坚持某种法律理论。[75]具体来说,法律的功能不是控制外在行为,而是塑造品格或培养美德,从而使人得享福乐。[76]因此,用eudaimonism(幸福/福乐主义)来描述古希腊的伦理体系比用德性伦理更合适,因为古希腊的伦理体系以eudaimonia(幸福/福乐)为总体概念,[77]但同时包含美德和法律的主题。尽管这个词很可能是康德的发明,并且被其误解使用,[78]但它最能体现前现代伦理学的精髓,因此直至19世纪仍被广泛接受为前现代伦理学的代名词。














作为一项历史研究,本研究在方法上采用“描述—分析法”(descriptive-analytical approach)。这意味着本论文将认真对待对历时和共时的处境,将布雷克的伦理学置于17世纪的世界中,旨在以他自己的方式看待布雷克。[80]本研究按照穆勒的划分,将布雷克放在改革宗正统神学的全盛时期(约1640–1725年),在这之前是宗教改革时期(约1520–1565年)、早期改革宗正统时期第一阶段(约1565–1618年)和早期改革宗正统时期第二阶段(约1618–1640年)。[81]因此,第一章将从这三个时期中各选择一位杰出的神学家,通过他们来追溯在布雷克之前的改革宗福乐主义的起源和发展。通过分析他们具有持久影响力的系统著作,特别是其中的至善、美德和律法这三个概念,第一章将试图回答这一问题:在宗教改革和后宗教改时期,基督教化的福乐主义是否以及如何被纳入了改革宗神学。基于立定的神学处境,第二章将重点介绍布雷克所处时代的教育处境、教会处境和哲学处境,并将特别关注基督教福乐主义传统如何在17世纪荷兰的学校、教会和社会中延续发展。结合布雷克所阅读的著名神学著作、所接受的教育、与他共事的人以及他所参与的文化和哲学思潮,我们将整合历时的、共时的背景来重建这位改革宗牧师的世界。在前两章的基础上,接下来的三章将分别描述布雷克的至善、美德和律法等概念,并结合之前的历时的和共时的背景对其进行仔细分析。最后,我们将在结语一章中对所有这些发现进行总结和分析,以评价布雷克对17世纪改革宗福乐主义发展的连续性和独特贡献。在整个研究过程中,将使用布雷克成熟的RG第三版和最新版的CRS作为规范性参考。该书作为16–17世纪改革宗系统神学诸多巨著中的一员,也有助于说明教义与伦理在16–17世纪的改革宗神学中确实有着不可分割的关联。






作为历时的背景,第一章将通过考察三位有影响力的改革宗神学家加尔文、乌尔西努斯(Zacharias Ursinus,1534–1583)和埃姆斯,考察改革宗在布雷克之前,如何吸纳基督教福乐主义传统。选择这三个人物有三个原因。首先,这三位神学家在17世纪的荷兰改革宗教会中极具影响力,很可能他们的著作都是布雷克的必读书目。其中,加尔文是布雷克的《理所当然的侍奉》中提及次数最多的神学家,他是早期改教家的一位代表人物,对荷兰宗教改革传统产生了深远影响。[82]继加尔文之后,墨兰顿(Philipp Melanchthon,1497–1560)的学生乌尔西努斯作为《海德堡教理问答》(以下简称《教理》)的主要作者和第一位注释者,是早期改革宗正统时代第一阶段的代表人物,他也标志着《教理》传统对布雷克的影响。[83]弗兰内克“博学的博士”埃姆斯是早期改革宗正统时代第二阶段的一位代表人物。本研究选择他来说明清教主义对荷兰二次改教运动和布雷克本人的直接影响。[84]其次,选择这三位神学家本身,就可以加强对古典改革宗伦理学重新定位的论证。具体而言,他们将有力地证明,无论是早期的改教家(加尔文),还是改革宗的要理问答传统(乌尔西努斯),抑或是反亚里士多德的拉米斯主义(Ramist)(埃姆斯),都没有停止吸收借鉴和发展大公教会基督教福乐主义的伦理传统。第三,与布雷克一样,这三位神学家都将伦理学纳入了他们的系统神学著作中。因此,作为一个整体,他们的伦理学可以进一步证明,改革宗对基督教化福乐主义传统的吸收借鉴,并不局限于对亚里士多德《尼各马可伦理学》的注释或更具哲学性论的著作中。[85]在这一章,我们将看到,近代早期的改革宗伦理学,延续了大公教会基督教的福乐主义传统,其结构包括至善、美德和律法等概念。不过,随着改革宗救恩论的影响和改革宗圣约神学的兴起,这三个概念在改革宗教会都得到了一定的发展。














拿细耳人,在印尼完成了其道硕课程,在清教徒改革宗神学院(Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary)完成了其神博课程,主修教会历史。他目前是拿细耳学院(曼谷)的主要负责人,拿细耳学院的网址是https://nazircollege.com/。夫妻二人育有三子一女。


[1] 本文是作者在清教徒改革宗神学院(Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary)的博士论文开篇,题目为“Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635–1711): Reformed Covenantal Eudaimonism——Highest Good, Virtue, and Law”。略有编辑,承蒙授权,特此致谢!——编者注

[2] 我所说的“改革宗正统”是理查德·穆勒(Richard Muller)的定义:“‘改革宗正统’既指在教会认信方面改革宗教会的教导,也指在约1565–1700年或1720年这一时期,改革宗神学家在界定和捍卫教会认信的教导方面做出了最大的努力。”见Richard A. Muller, “Scholasticism and Orthodoxy in the Reformed Tradition: An Attempt at Definition”, Inaugural Address Calvin Seminary Chapel September 7, 1995 (Grand Rapids: Calvin Theological Seminary, 1995), 26。

[3] Herman Bavinck, Reformed Ethics, vol. 1: Created, Fallen, and Converted Humanity, ed. John Bolt (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2019), 274. 亦参Christoph Strohm, “Ethics in Early Calvinism” in J. Kraye and R. Saarinen, eds., Moral Philosophy on the Threshold of Modernity (Dordrecht: Springer, 2005), 256。

[4] 以下作品对这一兴趣的复苏起到了至关重要的作用:Richard A. Muller, Post‐Reformation Reformed Dogmatics: The Rise and Development of Reformed Orthodoxy, ca. 1520 to ca. 1725, 4 vols (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003); After Calvin: Studies in the Development of a Theological Tradition (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003); Carl R. Truman and R. S. Clark, eds., Protestant Scholasticism: Essays in Reassessment (Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 1999); Willem J. van Asselt and Eef Dekker, eds., Reformation and Scholasticism: An Ecumenical Enterprise (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2001)。

[5] 这些专著大多集中在七位改革宗人士身上:John Lewis Marshall, “Natural Law and the Covenant: The Place of Natural Law in the Covenantal Framework of Samuel Rutherford’s Lex, Rex” (Ph.D. dissertation, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1995); Christoph Strohm, Ethik im frühen Calvinismus: Humanistische Einflüsse, philosophische, juristische und theologische Argumentationen sowie mentalitätsgeschichtlichen Aspekte am Beispiel des Calvin-Schülers Lambertus Danaeus (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1996); James Calvin Davis, The Moral Theology of Roger Williams: Christian Conviction and Public Ethics (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2004); William J. Danaher, The Trinitarian Ethics of Jonathan Edwards (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2004); Stephen Wilson, Virtue Reformed: Rereading Jonathan Edwards’s Ethics (Leiden: Brill, 2005); Elizabeth Agnew Cochran, Receptive Human Virtues: A New Reading of Jonathan Edwards’s Ethics (University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 2011); Alison Jane Joyce, Richard Hooker and Anglican Moral Theology (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012); Kirk M Summers, Morality After Calvin: Theodore Beza’s Christian Censor and Reformed Ethics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017). For other moral general treatments,参Stephen J. Grabill, Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006); John, Jr. Witte, The Reformation of Rights: Law, Religion, and Human Rights in Early Modern Calvinism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007); David Van Drunen, Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms: A Study in the Development of Reformed Social Thought (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010); Jonathan Willis, The Reformation of the Decalogue: Religious Identity and the Ten Commandments in England, c.1485–1625 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017); Marco Hofheinz, Ethik—reformiert! Studien zur reformierten Reformation und ihrer Rezeption im 20. Jahrhundert (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017); Elizabeth Agnew Cochran, Protestant Virtue and Stoic Ethics (New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018); Pieter Vos, Longing for the Good Life: Virtue Ethics after Protestantism (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2020); Nathaniel Warne, The Call to Happiness: Eudaimonism in English Puritan Thought (Lanham: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2020)。

[6] 在一些哲学家看来,神学意志主义与上帝诫命理论论不应被视为等同,相反,“上帝诫命理论是神学意志主义的一个种类”。参Philip L. Quinn, “Theological Voluntarism,” in Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory, eds. David Copp (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006), 63. See also Robert Merrihew Adams, Finite and Infinite Goods: A Framework for Ethics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), 26162; and Mark C. Murphy, “Divine Command, Divine Will, and Moral Obligation,” Faith and Philosophy 15, no. 1 (1998): 327. 关于最近的反对意见,参C. Stephen Evans, God and Moral Obligation (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014), 3738。

[7] Emil Brunner, The Divine Imperative (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1947); Barth, Church Dogmatics, I/2, II/2, III/4. Herman Bavinck, Reformed Ethics; Willem Geesink, Gereformeerde Ethiek, 2 vols (Kampen: Kok, 1931); John Murray, Principles of Conduct: Aspects of Biblical Ethics (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1957); Jochem Douma, The Ten Commandments: Manual for the Christian Life, trans. Nelson D. Kloosterman (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 1996); Responsible Conduct: Principles of Christian Ethics (Phillipsburg: P&R, 2003); Richard J. Mouw, The God who Commands: A Study in Divine Command Ethics (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1990); John M. Frame, The Doctrine of the Christian Life (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2008); Wayne Grudem, Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning (Wheaton: Crossway, 2018).

[8] Richard J. Mouw, The God who Commands, 2–3.

[9] John Frame, The Doctrine of the Christian Life, 326. 平心而论,弗瑞姆确实用了一节的篇幅,从存在的视角论述了美德伦理学。亦参John Frame, The Doctrine of the Christian Life, 326–48。

[10] Philip Ziegler, “Reformed Ethics,” in The Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology, eds. Michael Allen and Scott R. Swain (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), 585.

[11] 例如,齐格勒认为,“加尔文对十诫有广泛深入的解经,这对改革宗伦理学具有典范性和规范性作用”。参Philip Ziegler, “Reformed Ethics”, 586;约翰·弗瑞姆也表达了类似的观点:“第四部分将以诫命伦理的形式(见第三章),而不是叙事伦理或美德伦理的形式来阐述圣经伦理学。我之所以决定采用这种方法,部分原因在于它是我所属的改革宗传统中的主流方法。改革宗的教义问答和许多系统神学,包括加尔文的《基督教要义》,都包括对十诫的阐释。”参John Frame, The Doctrine of the Christian Life, 385; See also J.R. Mcquilkin, “Reformed Ethics”in Roland Kenneth Harrison, Encyclopedia of Biblical and Christian Ethics (Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers, 1987), 346; Richard J. Mouw, The God who Commands, 59–75。

[12] 关于最近对基督教传统中自然法的重新评价,参Norman Doe, ed., Christianity and Natural Law: An Introduction (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016); 关于路德宗对自然法传统的重新评价,参Robert C. Baker and Roland Cap Ehlke (ed.), Natural Law: A Lutheran Reappraisal (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2011)。

[13] 关于上世纪加尔文自然法理论讨论的优秀二手文献综述,参William Klempa,“John Calvin on Natural Law,”in John Calvin and the Church: A Prism of Reform, ed. Timothy George (Louisville: John Knox Press, 1990), 72–95.

[14] Grabill, Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics, 175. 约翰·麦克尼尔(John McNeill)在20世纪40年代也表达了类似的观点:“在自然法方面,改教家们的教导与其前辈的教导之间并没有真正的不连续性。没有一位宗教改革领袖反对这一原则。”参John T. McNeill,“Natural Law in the Teaching of the Reformers”, Journal of Religion 26/3 (1946), 168.

[15] Jennifer Herdt, “Calvin’s Legacy for Contemporary Reformed Natural Law,” Scottish Journal of Theology 67/4 (2014), 415. 路德宗也重新对自然法理论产生了兴趣,参Robert C. Baker and Roland Cap Ehlke, eds., Natural Law: A Lutheran Reappraisal (St Louis: Concordia, 2011)。

[16] Susan E. Schreiner, “Their Conscience Also Bears Witness: Natural Law and Societal Life”, in The Theater of His Glory: Nature and the Natural Order in the Thought of John Calvin (Durham, NC: Labyrinth, 1991), 73–95; John Lewis Marshall, “Natural Law and the Covenant: The Place of Natural Law in the Covenantal Framework of Samuel Rutherford’s Lex, Rex,” (Ph.D. dissertation, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1995); Daniel Westberg, “The Reformed Tradition and Natural Law”, in A Preserving Grace: Protestants, Catholics, and Natural Law, eds. Michael Cromartie (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997); Paul Helm, ‘Equity, Natural Law, and Common Grace’, in John Calvin’s Ideas (New York: OUP, 2004), 347–88; James Calvin Davis, The Moral Theology of Roger Williams: Christian Conviction and Public Ethics (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2004); Grabill, Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics; Aza Goudriaan, Reformed Orthodoxy and Philosophy, 1625–1750: Gisbertus Voetius, Petrus Van Mastricht, and Anthonius Driessen (Leiden: Brill, 2007), 287–324; John Witte, Jr., The Reformation of Rights: Law, Religion, and Human Rights in Early Modern Calvinism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007); David VanDrunen, Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms: A Study in the Development of Reformed Social Thought (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010); James E. Bruce, Rights in the Law: The Importance of God’s Free Choices in the Thought of Francis Turretin (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2013); David S. Sytsma, Richard Baxter and the Mechanical Philosophers (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), 216–48. 关于维护自然法在改革宗传统中的作用的较早学术研究,参Emil Brunner, “Nature and Grace: A Contribution to the Discussion with Karl Barth”, in Natural Theology: Comprising “Nature and Grace” by Professor Dr. Emil Brunner and the Reply “No!” by Dr. Karl Barth, trans. Peter Frankel (London: Centenary Press, 1946), 15–60; John T. McNeill, “Natural Law in the Teaching of the Reformers”, Journal of Religion 26/3 (1946), 168–82; John D. Eusden, “Natural Law and Covenant Theology in New England,1620–1670,” Natural Law Forum 6 (1960): 1–30; David Little, “Calvin and the Prospects for a Christian Theory of Natural Law”, in Norm and Context in Christian Ethics, eds. Gene Outka and Paul Ramsey (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1968), 175–97; Lee Gibbs, “The Puritan Natural Law Theory of William Ames,” Harvard Theological Review 64, no. 1 (1971): 37–57; Allen Verhey, “Natural Law in Aquinas and Calvin”, in God and the Good: Essays in Honor of Henry Stob, eds. Clifton Orlebeke and Lewis Smedes (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975), 80–92; William Klempa, “John Calvin on Natural Law”, in John Calvin and the Church: A Prism of Reform, eds. Timothy George (Louisville: Westminster/ John Knox, 1990), 72–95。

[17] 根据他的“两个国度”教义,范德伦在改革宗传统中主张双重伦理学,一种是源于自然法并受人类理性支配的伦理学,另一种是源于恩典和圣经律法并受基督教信仰支配的伦理学。参David VanDrunen, Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms: A Study in the Development of Reformed Social Thought (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2009); VanDrunen, “‘The Kingship of Christ Is Twofold’: Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms in the Thought of Herman Bavinck,” Calvin Theological Journal 45, no. 1 (April 2010): 147–64. 然而,纳尔逊·克洛斯特曼(Nelson D. Kloosterman)指出,“改教家们从未将他们的自然法教义当作双重伦理学的基础”。参Nelson D. Kloosterman, “A Response to ‘The Kingship of Christ Is Twofold’:Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms in the Thought of Herman Bavinck by VanDrunen,” Calvin Theological Journal 45, no. 1 (April 2010): 167. Jennifer Herdt也质疑格拉比尔和范德伦对传统改革宗自然法伦理的高度期待。参Jennifer Herdt, “Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics by Stephen J. Grabill,” Modern Theology 24.1 (2008): 131; Herdt, “Calvin’s Legacy for Contemporary Reformed Natural Law,”: 414–35。

[18] Nelson D. Kloosterman, “A Response to ‘The Kingship of Christ Is Twofold’: Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms in the Thought of Herman Bavinck by David VanDrunen,” Calvin Theological Journal 45, no. 1 (April 2010): 166.

[19] 参G. E. M. Anscombe的奠基性作品:“Modern Moral Philosophy,”Philosophy 33, no. 124 (1958): 1–19; Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame, 1981). 安斯科姆和麦金太尔都是虔诚的天主教徒,不过麦金太尔是在《追寻美德》出版后皈依了罗马天主教。斯坦利·豪尔瓦斯(Stanley Hauerwas)的开创性著作Character and the Christian Life(《品格与基督徒生活》)于1975年问世,对新教重新关注美德产生了深远影响。参Stanley Hauerwas, Character and the Christian Life: A Study in Theological Ethics (San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 1975)。

[20] 参Rosalind Hursthouse, On Virtue Ethics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), 1–2。

[21] Daniel Russell, Practical Intelligence and the Virtues (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), 66.

[22] 参Alasdair C. MacIntyre, A Short History of Ethics: A History of Moral Philosophy from the Homeric Age to the Twentieth Century (London: Routledge, 1998), 122–23; Alasdair C. MacIntyre, After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007), 53–54; Servais Pinckaers, The Sources of Christian Ethics, trans. Mary Thomas Noble (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995), 284–85; Jean Porter, “Virtue Ethics,” in The Cambridge Companion to Christian Ethics, eds. Robin Gill (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 103; Brad S. Gregory, The Unintended Reformation: How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2012), 269。请注意,这些学者都是罗马天主教徒。按照这种说法,一位新教神学家甚至声称,推翻亚里士多德的《伦理学》是路德发动宗教改革的主要目标。参Ronald N. Frost, “Aristotle’s Ethics: The Real Reason for Luther’s Reformation,” in Trinity Journal, NS 18 (1997), 223–41。

[23] 参Norman Fiering, Moral Philosophy in Seventeenth Century Harvard: A Discipline in Transition (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1981); Jill Kraye, “Moral Philosophy,” in The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, ed. Charles Schmitt (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988), 303–86; Charles B. Schmitt and Brian Copenhaver, A History of Western Philosophy, vol. 3: Renaissance Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992); Jill Kraye, “Conceptions of Moral Philosophy,” in The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy, Vol. II, ed. Daniel Garber and Michael Ayers (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), 1284–85; Jill Kraye and Martin W.F. Stone (eds.), Humanism and Early Modern Philosophy (London: Routledge, 2000); Jon Miller and Brad Inwood (ed.), Hellenistic and Early Modern Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003); David A. Lines, “Moral Philosophy in the Universities of Medieval and Renaissance Europe,” History of Universities, Vol. XX, no. 1 (2005), 38–80; Terence Irwin, The Development of Ethics: A Historical and Critical Study, Vol. I-III (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007–2009); Michael Norton, Fiction and the Philosophy of Happiness: Ethical Inquiries in the Age of Enlightenment (Lewisburg: Bucknell University, 2012); Jon Miller (ed.), The Reception of Aristotle’s Ethics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012); David A. Lines and Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (eds.), Rethinking Virtue, Reforming Society: New Directions in Renaissance Ethics, c. 1350-c.1650 (Turnhout, 2013); Roger Crisp (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Ethics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013); Andreas Hellerstedt (ed.), Virtue Ethics and Education from Late Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century, (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018); Natasha Constantinidou and Han Lamers (eds.), Receptions of Hellenism in Early Modern Europe, 15th–17th centuries (Leiden: Brill, 2019)。

[24] 参Jill Kraye, “Moral Philosophy”, 325–86; Schmitt and Copenhaver, Renaissance Philosophy, 64–66, 127–43, 154-58; Jon Miller and Brad Inwood (ed.), Hellenistic and Early Modern Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003)。

[25] 参Tobias Schaffner, “Is Francisco Suárez a Natural Law Ethicist?” in The Concept of Law (lex) in the Moral and Political Thought of the “School of Salamanca”, Kirstin Bunge et al, ed. ( Leiden: Brill, 2016), 150–71; Tobias Schaffner, “The Eudaemonist Ethics of Hugo Grotius (1583–1645): Pre-Modern Moral Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century?” in Jurisprudence 7 (2016.3): 478–522; R. E. Ewin, Virtues and Rights: The Moral Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes (Boulder: Westview Press, 1991); David Boonin-Vail, Thomas Hobbes and the Science of Moral Virtue (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994); Sharon A. Lloyd, Morality in the Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes: Cases in the Law of Nature (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009); John Marshall, Descartes’s Moral Theory (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998); Donald Rutherford, “On the Happy Life: Descartes vis-à-vis Seneca,” in Stoicism: Traditions and Transformations, S. Strange and J. Zupko, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 177–97; Lisa Shapiro, “Descartes’s Ethics,” in A Companion to Descartes, Janet Broughton and John Carriero, eds. (Oxford: Blackwell, 2007), 445–63; Noa Naaman Zauderer, Descartes’ Deontological Turn: Reason, Will, and Virtue in the Later Writings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010); Frans Svensson, “The Role of Virtue in Descartes’s Ethical Theory, or: Was Descartes a Virtue Ethicist?” The History of Philosophy Quarterly 27 (2010): 215–36; Frans Svensson, “Happiness, Well-being, and Their relation to Virtue in Descartes’ Ethics,” Theoria 77 (2011): 238-60; Michael Rosenthal, “Tolerance as a Virtue in Spinoza’s Ethics,” Journal of the History of Philosophy 39:4 (2001), 535–57; Nimrod Aloni, “Spinoza as Educator: From Eudaimonistic Ethics to An Empowering and Liberating Pedagogy,” Educational Philosophy and Theory 40.4 (2008), 5; Michael LeBuffe, From Bondage to Freedom: Spinoza on Human Excellence (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010); Matthew J. Kisner, Spinoza on Human Freedom: Reason, Autonomy and the Good Life (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011); Matthew J. Kisner, Andrew Youpa, eds., Essays on Spinoza’s Ethical Theory (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014); Andrea Sangiacomo, Spinoza on Reason, Passions, and the Supreme Good (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020); J. Taylor, “Virtue and the Evaluation of Character,” in The Blackwell Companion to Hume’s Treatise, S. Traiger, ed. (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2006), 276; R. Cohon, Hume’s Morality: Feeling and Fabrication (Oxford: Oxford University Press); C. Swanton, “Can Hume Be Read as a Virtue Ethicist?” Hume Studies 33: 91–113; Jacqueline Taylor, “Hume,” in Routledge Companion to Sixteenth-Century Philosophy, Lorraine Besser-Jones, Michael Slote, eds. (New York: Routledge, 2015)。

[26] Jill Kraye, “Conceptions of Moral Philosophy,” 1307.

[27] Julia Annas, “Ancient Eudaimonism and Modern Morality,” in The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Ethics, ed. Christopher Bobonich(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 270. 亦参Dorothea Afred, “The Historic Decline of Virtue Ethics,” in The Cambridge Companion to Virtue Ethics, ed. Daniel C. Russell(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 124–48; Brian Michael Norton, “Ancient Ethics and Modern Happiness: A Study of Three Treatises in Enlightenment Britain,” Eighteenth-Century Life 38 (2014): 47–74。然而,即使如此,这也不意味着传统的幸福主义已经消亡。正如一位学者所认识到的:“尽管康德的伦理体系在很大程度上打破了幸福主义,但它仍然保留了幸福主义的主张,即以美德为基础追求幸福不仅更加有利于美德,而且更加有利于幸福。”参Erica A. Holberg, “Kant’s Quasi-Eudaimonism,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 56 (2018.3): 317–41. See also See Robert B. louden, “Kant’s Virtue Ethics,” Philosophy 61 (1986): 473-89; Allen W. Wood, “Kant versus Eudaimonism,” in Kant’s Legacy, Predrag Cicovacki, eds. (New York: University of Rochester Press, 2001), 261–82; Robert Johnson, “Happiness as a Natural End,” in Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: Interpretative Essays, eds. Mark Timmons (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 317-30; James Reid, “Morality and Sensibility in Kant: Toward a Theory of Virtue,” Kantian Review 8 (2004): 89-114; Lara Denis, “Kant’s Conception of Virtue,” in The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy, Paul Guyer, eds. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 505–37; Anne Margaret Baxley, Kant’s Theory of Virtue: The Value of Autocracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010)。

[28] 关于改革宗圈子之外的新教参与情况:关于马丁·路德,参Anthony M. Bateza, “Becoming a Living Community: Agency, Honesty, and the Role of Virtue in Martin Luther’s Theology” (Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton Theological Seminary, 2017); on John Wesley, see Stephen D. Long, John Wesley’s Moral Theology: The Quest for God and Goodness (Nashville: Kingswood Books, 2005); Rebekah L. Miles, “Happiness, Holiness, and the Moral Life in John Wesley,” in The Cambridge Companion to John Wesley, ed. Randy L. Maddox and Jason E. Vickers (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 207–24; Sarah Heaner Lancaster, The Pursuit of Happiness: Blessing and Fulfillment in Christian Faith (Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2011); Min Seok Kim, “ ‘Happiness and Holiness, Joined in One’ as the Christian Life Goal in John Wesley’s Theology” (Ph.D. dissertation, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, 2018). Some other advocates of Protestant virtue ethics failed to explore their own Protestant virtue tradition, see Benjamin W. Farley, In Praise of Virtue: An Exploration of the Biblical Virtues in a Christian Context (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1995); Joseph J. Kotva, The Christian Case for Virtue Ethics (Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1996); N. T. Wright, Virtue Reborn (London: SPCK, 2010); Joel D. Biermann, A Case for Character: Towards a Lutheran Virtue Ethics (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2014)。

[29] Donald Sinnema, “Aristotle and Early Reformed Orthodoxy: Moments of Accommodation and Antithesis,” in Christianity and the Classics: The Acceptance of a Heritage, ed. Wendy Helleman (Lanham: University Press of America, 1990); Sinnema, “The Discipline of Ethics in Early Reformed Orthodoxy,” Calvin Theological Journal 28/1 (1993), 10–44; Christoph Strohm, Ethik im frühe Calvinismus: Humanistische Einflüsse, philosophische,  juristische und theologische Argumentationen sowie mentalitätsgeschichtlichen Aspekte am Beispiel des Calvin-Schülers Lambertus Danaeus (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1996); Richard A. Muller, “Scholasticism, Reformation, Orthodoxy and the Persistence of Christian Aristotelianism,” in Trinity Journal, NS 19/1 (Spring 1998), 81–96;  Richard A. Muller, “Reformation, orthodoxy, ‘Christian Aristotelianism,’ and the eclecticism of early Modern Philosophy,” Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis 81 (2001): 306–25; Stephen Wilson, Virtue Reformed: Rereading Jonathan Edwards’s Ethics (Boston: Brill, 2005); Luca Baschera, Tugend und Rechtfertigung: Peter Martyr Vermiglis Kommentar zur Nikomachischen Ethik im Spannungsfeld von Philosophie und Theologie (Zurich: Theologischer Verlag, 2008); Elizabeth Agnew Cochran, Receptive Human Virtues: A New Reading of Jonathan Edwards’s Ethics (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2011); Sebastian Rehnman, “Virtue and Grace”, Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (2012): 473–93; Luca Baschera, “Ethics in Reformed Orthodoxy,” in A Companion to Reformed Orthodoxy, H J. Selderhuis, eds., (Boston: Brill, 2013), 519–52; Nico Vorster, “From Virtue Ethics to Right Ethics: Did the Reformation Paved the Way for Secular Ethics?”, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 70.1 (2014): 1–8; Marco Hofheinz, Ethik-reformiert! Studien zur reformierten Reformation und ihrer Rezeption im 20. Jahrhundert (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017); Elizabeth Agnew Cochran, Protestant Virtue and Stoic Ethics (New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018); Ryan Maynor Reed, “‘Seek Nothing Elsewhere Than in Him’: John Calvin on Happiness and the Highest Good” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto, 2019); Vos, Longing for the Good Life (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2020); Nathaniel Warne, The Call to Happiness: Eudaimonism in English Puritan Thought (Lanham: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2020); David S. Sytsma, “John Calvin and Virtue Ethics: Augustinian and Aristotelian Themes”, Journal of Religious Ethics 48.3 (2020):519–56; David S. Sytsma, “Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and Protestantism,” Academia Letters, Article1650 (2021): 1–8; Dominique Klamer, “Law, Virtue, and Duty in Petrus van Mastricht’s Theoretico-Practica Theologia,” in Petruschka Schaafsma (ed.), The Transcendent Character of the Good: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives (N.p.: Taylor & Francis, 2022), 139–56.

[30] Nathaniel Warne, The Call to Happiness, 2.

[31] Manfred Svensson, “Aristotelian Practical Philosophy from Melanchthon to Eisenhart Protestant Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics 1529–1682”, Reformation & Renaissance Review, 21. 3 (2019): 218–38. 关于阿奎那的亚里士多德主义伦理学对新教神学家们的影响,亦参Daniel Westberg, “The Influence of Aquinas on Protestant Ethics” in Aquinas among the Protestants, David VanDrunen and Manfred Svensson, eds. (Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell, 2017) 267–86。

[32] Elizabeth Agnew Cochran, Receptive Human Virtues: A New Reading of Jonathan Edwards’s Ethics (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2011);  Cochran, Protestant Virtue and Stoic Ethics (New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018); Eric M. Parker, “‘Sun in the sun’: The Moral Theology of Peter Sterry” (Ph.D. diss., McGill University, 2018)。

[33] 第一版于1700年出版。参Wilhelmus à Brakel, Logike latreia, dat is Redelyke godtsdienst, in welke de goddelijke waarheden des genaden-verbondts worden verklaart, tegen allerleye partyen beschermt, ende tot de practijke aangedrongen: alsmede de bedeelinge des verbondts ende handelinge Gods met sijn (Rotterdam: Reinier van Doesburg, 1700). 但出版于1707的第三版绝对是布雷克巨著的最终版本。参Wilhelmus à Brakel, Logikē latreia, dat is, Redelijke godsdienst, in welken de goddelijke waerheden van het Genade-verbond worden verklaard, tegen partijen beschermd en tot de beoefening aangedrongen: alsmede de bedeeling des verbonds in het O. en N.T. en de de ontmoeting der kerke in het N.T., vertoond in eene verklaring van de Openbaringen van Johannes, 3rd ed. (Rotterdam: Johannes de Melander, 1707). 英文译本:Wilhelmus à Brakel, The Christian’s Reasonable Service, 4 vols., ed. Joel R. Beeke, trans. Bartel Elshout (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 1992-1995). 以下提到《理所当然的侍奉》中的某一页时,将缩写为 Brakel、CSR、卷号:页码。布雷克的巨著于1716年首次被翻译成德文,近二十年来又被翻译成中文、韩文和西班牙文。值得注意的是,最近的三个译本都是以1990年代Bartel Elshout翻译的英文译本为基础。

[34] 只有三部英语著作是例外,其中简要提到了布雷克的敬虔主义、他在大觉醒时期对中部殖民地的影响以及他的圣约观点。参F. Ernest Stoeffler, The Rise of Evangelical Pietism, (Leiden: Brill, 1971), 153–56; James Tanis, “Freylinghuysen, the Dutch Clergy and the Great Awakening in the Middle Colonies,” Reformed Review (1985) 38:109-118; Jonathan Neil Gerstner, The Thousand Generation Covenant: Dutch Reformed Covenant Theology, and Group Identity in Colonial South Africa, 1652–1814 (Leiden: Brill, 1991), 69, 74, 76, 115, 140–43, 184, and 238。

[35] F. J. Los, Wilhelmus à Brakel (Leiden: G. Los, 1892).

[36] 参J. J. Kalma, Wilhelmus à Brakel (16341711) (Eigen beheer: Leeuwarden, 1984); W. Fieret, Wilhelmus À Brakel: Een Gedreven Dienaar in Gods Kerk (Houten: Den Hertog, 2016). 有一本是关于布雷克家族的书,参W. Fieret and A. Ros, Theodorus à Brakel, Wilhelmus à Brakel, en Sara Nevius (Houten: Den Hertog, 1988). 关于布雷克的其他一些简明传记资料,参见J. van Genderen, “Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635-1711),” in T. Brienen (ed.), De Nadere Reformatie, Beschrijving van haarvoornaamste vertegenwoordigers (‘s-Gravenhage: Boekencentrum, 1986), 165–88; W. Fieret, “Wilhelmus à Brakel,” in Wilhelmus à Brakel, CRS, I: xxxi-lxxxi; Joel. R. Beeke and Randall. J. Pederson, “Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635–1711),” in Meet the Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2006), 745–52; W.J. op ‘t Hof, “Wilhelmus à Brakel,” in Encyclopedie Nadere Reformatie (Utrecht: Kok, 2015) 1:121–29. 有关布雷克的神学的一般性英语资料,参Bartel Elshout, “The Pastoral and Practical Theology of Wilhelmus à Brakel,” in vol. 4 of Reformed Experiential Thought, Joel R. Beeke ed. (Grand Rapids: Reformed Heritage Books, 1997); Jan Van Vliet, The Rise of Reformed System: The Intellectual Heritage of William Ames (Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2013), 162–85。

[37] D. K Wielenga, “Brakel in botsing met de Friesche overheid,” De Vrije Kerk (1887) 13:333–41; W. Geesink, “De zaak van Brakel in 1688,” Rotterdams Jaarboekje (1888) 1:153–67; [Confessioneele Vereeniging], De Leer En De Practijk Der Afgescheidenen En Doleerenden in Strijd Met De Heilige Schrift : Aangetoond Uit De Geschriften Van W. À Brakel, Borstius, Calvyn, Koelman, Voetius En Anderen. Confessioneele Vereeniging, 1892; C. Graafland, “De Kerk bij Wilhelmus à Brakel,” De Waarheidsvriend 72, no.24 (1984): 315–405; “De Kerk in de Nadere Reformatie. Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635–1711),” in De Kerk. Wezen, weg en werk van de kerk naar reformatorische opvatting, ed. W. van ‘t Spijker,(Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 1990), 163–86; A.W.G. Raath, “The Dutch Second Reformation on the Frontier: Wilhelmus a Brakel and the Relationship between the Church and Political Authorities in the Transvaal Settlements in South Africa (1845–1860),” Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 28, no.1 (Jun 2002): 76–119; Matthew W. Eisele, “Moeder Kerk: Wilhelmus à Brakel and the Unity of the Church” (Master thesis, Westminster Seminary California, 2015)。

[38] 参J.W. Verschoor, “Over de Rechtvaardiging bij Brakel en Comrie,” Onder eigen vaandel (1928) 10: 182–201; J.W. Verschoor, “Over het geloof bij Brakel en Comrie,” Onder eigen vaandel (1928) 3: 272–94; C. Graafland, De zekerheid van het geloof (Wageningen: Veenman, 1961), 190–99; A. de Reuver, Bedelen bij de Bron: Kohlbrugge’s geloofsopvatting vergeleken bij de Reformatie en Nadere Reformatie (Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 1992); Michel Maas, “Een Theologiehistorisch Onderzoek naar de Rechtvaardigings en Heiligingsleer bij Wilhelmus À Brakel: Vergeleken met Calvijn, Teellinck en Voetius” (Master thesis, Apeldoorn Theological University, 2002); Jonathan Holdt, “Wilhelmus à Brakel’s Use of Doctrine in Calling Sinners to Repentance and Faith,” PRJ (2011) 3.2: 267–90; Meine Veldman, The Doctrines of Justification of Martin Luther and John Calvin, Herman Witsius and Wilhelmus à Brakel, Albrecht Ritschl and Eduard Bohl , Presented and Analyzed (Monticello: Psalm 78 Ministries, 2021), 93–120。

[39] 参F.A.N. Lekkerkerker, “De mijding van het Avondmaal,” in Jaarboek voor de eredienst van de Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk (1959) 1:40-71; C. Graafland, “Nadere Reformatie. Voetius en W. à Brakel,” in Bij brood en beker, ed. W. van t’ Spijker(Goudriaan: De Groot, 1980), 248–81; D.J. Budding, “Franciscus Ridderus. Zijn leven en zijn opvattingen aangaande het Heilige Avondmaal onderzocht en vergeleken met enkele karakteristieke vertegenwoordigers uit de Reformatie en de Nadere Reformatie,” in Documentatieblad Nadere Reformatie 7.3 (1983): 73–108; T. Brienen, “Doopleer en dooppraktijk in de 17de en 18de eeuw bij de gereformeerde in de Nederlanden,” in Rondom het Doopvont, ed. W. van t’ Spijker (Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 1983), 353–87。

[40] 参W. van ’t Spijker, “W. a Brakel en de Piëtisten,” in De Wekker 72. 7–13 (1962–63); Stoeffler, The Rise of Evangelical Pietism, 153–56; T. Brienen, “Vroomheid volgens het Gerformeerde Piëtisme in Nederland, met name vader en zoon à Brakel,” in Spiritualiteit, ed. W. Van ’t Spijker (Kampen: De Groot Goudriaan, 1993), 198–208; A. de Reuver, “Wilhelmus à Brakel en het Piëtisme,” Documentatieblad Nadere Reformatie 22 (1998), 82–90; Arie de Reuver, Sweet Communion: Trajectories of Spirituality from the Middle Ages through the Further Reformation, trans. James A. De Jong (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2007), 231–61; L. Kim-van Daalen, “Wilhelmus à Brakel’s Spirituality of Virtues and Its Implications for Soul Care”, Puritan Reformed Journal 3, no. 1 (Janurary 2011): 279–303; Paul.M. Smalley, “Satisfied with the Lord’s All-Sufficiency: Wilhelmus à Brakel on Joy”, Puritan Reformed Journal 3, no.2 (July 2011): 235–66; Joel. R. Beeke and Paul. M. Smalley, “Wilhelmus à Brakel’s Biblical Ethics of Spirituality”, Puritan Reformed Journal 8, no.2 (Jul 2016): 107–24; W. van Vlastuin, “Spiritual marriage: A key to the theology and spirituality of Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635–1711)”, JHRP 2 (2016), 27–53; Fred van Lieburg, Warning against the Pietists: The World of Wilhelmus à Brakel in Enlightened Religion: from Confessional Churches to Polite Piety in the Dutch Republic, ed. Joke Spaans and Jetze Touber (Leiden: Brill, 2019)。

[41] L.S. den Boer, “Brakel’s visie op Israel,” Vrede over Israel (1972) 16.1:1–6; T. Brienen, “De Nadere Reformatie en het Jodendom,” in Verkenning en bezinning (1980) 14.1:1-35; M.J Arntzen, “Israël in de Spiegel van de theologie van de Nadere Reformatie,” Radix (1984) 10:37–48; M. van Campen, Kerk en Israel in gesprek (Kampen: Kok, 1989); T. Brienen, Wilhelmus à Brakel & de visie op Israël (Veenendaal: SSNR, 1996/1997); W van Vlastuin, “Retrieving Wilhelmus à Brakel’s Expectation for Israel: Hermeneutics of Fulfillment Assessed and Reapplied to a Classic Concept” (BEST conference paper: Kampen, 2018).

[42] 参J.H. Becker, “Twee pneumatologieën. Een behandeling en vergelijking vande pneumatologie van W. à Brakel, als voorbeled van de Nadere Reformatie en de pneumatologie van H. Mühlen, als voorbeeld van de Charismatische Beweging,” (Master thesis, VU Amsterdam, 1981)。

[43] 参Gerstner, The Thousand Generation Covenant, 140–43; Richard Muller, “Covenant of Works and the Stability of Divine Law in Seventeenth-century Reformed Orthodoxy: A Study in the Theology of Herman Witsius and Wilhelmus à Brakel,”Calvin Theological seminary (1994) 29:75–100; H. F. Sorge, “Genadeverbond en genaldeleven: een onderzoek naar de inhoud en betekenis van het genadeverbond volgens de ‘Redilijke Godsdienst’ van Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635–1711)” (Master Thesis, Apeldoorn Theological University, 1998); C. den Boer and M. van Campen, “Het verbond en Israel bij Calvijn and de Nadere Reformatie,” in Het joodse volk en het verbond (‘s-Gravenhage: Boekencentrum, 1998), 150–175; Vliet, The Rise of Reformed System, 162–85; Wim van Vlastuin, “The Fruitfulness of a Paradox: The Doctrine of the Covenant in Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635–1711) Reapplied,” in Covenant: A Vital Element of Reformed Theology, ed. Hans Burger, Gert Kwakkel, and Michael Mulder (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020), 283–98。

[44] 参H. S. Mosterd, “Triniteitsleer en Vroomheid bij Wilhelmus à Brakel” (Master thesis, University of Utrecht, 2007)。

[45] 参Todd Baucum, “Innate Knowledge in the Thought of Wilhelmus à Brakel,” PRJ (2014) 6.2: 65–87。

[46] 参Brandon J. Crawford, “‘This is Felicity and the Work of Glorified Souls’: Wilhelmus à Brakel on the Glory and Glorification of God,” Puritan Reformed Journal 7, no.2 (Jul 2015): 147–76。

[47] 参Charles Melo de Oliveira, “The Human Heart in the View of John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards and Wilhelmus a Brakel: with Particular Reference to the Presbyterian Church in Brazil and the Pentecostal Influences upon Her” (Master Thesis, Grand Rapids: Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, 2015)。

[48] 参Justin Stodghill, “Our Reasonable Service: Sabbath Doctrine of the Nadere Reformatie,” The Confessional Presbyterian 12 (2016): 185–94; Kyle J. Dieleman, “Wilhelmus à Brakel and the Nadere Reformatie,” in The Battle for the Sabbath in the Dutch Reformation: Devotion or Desecration? (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019), 107–30。

[49] 参Ryan M. Hurd, “Wilhelmus à Brakel’s Pastoral Predestination,”Puritan Reformed Journal 9, no.1 (Jan 2017): 141–162。

[50] 参T. Brienen, De Prediking van de Nadere Reformatie (Amsterdam: Ton Bolland, 1974), 117–24; L.F. Groenendijk, “De preken van Wilhelmus à Brakel,” Documentatieblad Nadere Reformatie (1984) 8:114–24; M. Muis, “Wilhelmus à Brakel’s De Waare Christen: Toch geen Preken van à Brakel?” Documentatieblad Nadere Reformatie 41, no.1 (2017): 45–67; Joel R. Beeke, “Dutch Preachers: Teellinck, van Lodenstein, and a Brakel,” in Reformed Preaching: Proclaiming God’s Word from the Heart of the Preacher to the Heart of His People (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2018), 265–281; J.A. de Kok, “Een veelbelovend verbondsprediker: Een historisch en homiletisch onderzoek naar de preken van Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635–1711)” (Master thesis: Theological University of Apeldoorn, 2020)。

[51] Vliet, The Rise of Reformed System, 185.

[52] Vliet, The Rise of Reformed System, 205–06.

[53] Stoeffler, The Rise of Evangelical Pietism, 157.

[54] Muller, “Covenant of Works”, 75–100.

[55] Stoeffler, The Rise of Evangelical Pietism, 153.

[56] Willem J. op ’t Hof, “Puritan Emotions in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Piety,” in Puritanism and Emotion in the Early Modern World, ed. Alec Ryrie and Tom Schwanda (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 239.

[57] Gerstner, The Thousand Generation Covenant, 140.

[58] Brakel, The Christian’s Reasonable Service, 3:3–589, 4:1–296.

[59] Muller, “Covenant of Works,” 90.

[60] Daalen, “Wilhelmus à Brakel’s Spirituality of Virtues,” 290.

[61] Daalen, “Wilhelmus à Brakel’s Spirituality of Virtues,” 296–98.

[62] Beeke and Smalley, “Wilhelmus à Brakel’s Biblical Ethics of Spirituality,” 112–14. 基于律法来解释布雷克的伦理学,这最早可以追溯到荷兰伦理学家盖辛克(Willem Geesink)。盖辛克认为布雷克是以律法为基础的改革宗伦理学成熟发展的代表之一,沃修斯的《持续改革》(Nadere Reformatie)开启了这种伦理学。盖辛克认为,布雷克《理所当然的侍奉》是“这一领域(改革宗伦理学)中唯一一部以沃修斯的精神撰写的重要著作”,它“结束了改革宗伦理学历史上的第二个时期(发展时期)”。参Willem Geesink, “The History of Reformed Ethics,” in Clarence Bouma, Selected Readings for Course in Reformed Ethics (Grand Rapids, 1941), 253。 这是盖辛克的就职演说《论改革宗神学的伦理学》(De Ethiek in de Gereformeerde Theologie (Amsterdam: W. Kirchner, 1897)的译文,略有删节。该书作为附录收录于《改革宗伦理学》(Gereformeerde Ethiek ﹝Kampen: Kok, 1931﹞, 2:453–97)。以下我使用克拉伦斯·布玛的英译本。

[63] J. V. Fesko, “Aquinas’s Doctrine of Justification and Infused Habits in Reformed Soteriology,” in Aquinas Among the Protestants, ed. Manfred Svensson and David VanDrunen (Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2018), 262.

[64] David VanDrunen, “The Relationship of Virtue and Divine Law: Early Reformed Thought and Its Contemporary Appropriation,” in The Transcendent Character of the Good, ed. Petruschka Schaafsma (London: Routledge, 2022),127.

[65] Bruce P. Baugus, The Roots of Reformed Moral Theology (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Book, 2022), 303.

[66] Grabill, Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics, 58. 尼尔·丹尼尔·阿尔纳(Neil Daniel Arner)最近撰写了一篇论文,试图证明神学唯意志论与自然法伦理学之间的和谐:“Theological Voluntarism and the Natural Law: The Integrated Moral Theories of John Duns Scotus, John Calvin, and Samuel Pufendorf” (Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 2012)。

[67] 有一个清晰的解释,参Francis Turretin’s answer for the question “How the natural law differs from the moral law given by Moses,” in Institutes of Elenctic Theology, ed. James T. Denniston, trans. George M. Giger (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 1997), volume 2:6–7. 亦参Drunen, Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms, 166–171。

[68] Vos, Longing for the Good Life, 75.

[69] Vos, Longing for the Good Life, 83.

[70] Nico Vorster, “From Virtue Ethics to Right Ethics: Did the Reformation Paved the Way for Secular Ethics? ,” 8. 沃斯特这样说,实际上是应用斯坦利·候活士(Stanley Hauerwas)的论点,后者在几十年前提出伦理学中美德与责任概念存在相互依存关系。参Stanley Hauerwas, A Community of Character: Toward a Constructive Christian Social Ethic (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1981), 114。

[71] Sebastian Rehnman, “Virtue and Grace,” Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (2012), 473–93.

[72] Julia Annas, “Virtue and Eudaimonism,” Social Philosophy and Policy 15.1 (1998), 37. 关于她对古代幸福主义的经典长篇论述,参Julia Annas, The Morality of Happiness (‎Oxford: ‎Oxford University Press, 1995)。亦参William J. Prior, “Eudaimonism and Virtue,” The Journal of Value Inquiry 35 (2001): 325–42. 在《伦理学》2.2.1 中,亚里士多德也明确写道:“我们现在的讨论并不像我们其他的讨论那样,以研究为目的;因为我们研究的目的不是要知道美德是什么,而是要成为善人,否则,这种探究对我们就没有任何益处。”Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, trans. Terence Irwin (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1999), 19 (1103b28–32). 此后引用的所有《伦理学》段落均出自该译本。

[73] Julia Annas, “Ancient Eudaimonism and Modern Morality”, 269. 亦参Julia Annas, The Morality of Happiness (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993); Oyvind Rabbås etal., eds., The Quest for the Good Life: Ancient Philosophers on Happiness (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015)。

[74] A. A. Long, “Eudaimonism, Divinity, and Rationality in Greek Ethics,” Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 19 (2004): 126. 引自Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson, “On Happiness and Godlikeness before Socrates” in The Quest for the Good Life: Ancient Philosophers on Happiness, 30. 亦参David Sedley, “Becoming Godlike,” in The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Ethics, ed. C. Bobonich (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 319–37。

[75] 参Fred D. Miller (ed.), A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence Vol. 6, A History of the Philosophy of Law from the Ancient Greeks to the Scholastics (Heidelberg: Springer, 2007), 35131; Julia Annas, Virtue and Law in Plato and Beyond (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017); Maria Liatsi (ed.), Ethics in Ancient Greek Literature from Homer to Aristotle (De Gruyter, 2020), 61–100。

[76] 亦参Julia Annas, Virtue and Law in Plato and Beyond, 166; Fred D. Miller (ed.), A History of the Philosophy of Law from the Ancient Greeks to the Scholastics, 75。

[77] 关于当代美德伦理学与古代幸福主义的区别,亦参Jesse Couenhoven, “Eudaimonism, Virtue, and Self-Sacrifice,”Journal of Religious Ethics 47.1 (2019): 7–8。

[78] 朱莉娅·安纳斯认为,康德和英国功利主义者都“确定无疑地将幸福视为快乐,或欲望的满足,因此误解了幸福主义”。参Julia Annas, “Ancient Eudaimonism and Modern Morality,” 270。

[79] 参Warne, The Call to Happiness: Eudaimonism in English Puritan Thought (Lanham: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2020); Ryan Maynor Reed, “‘Seek Nothing Elsewhere Than in Him’: John Calvin on Happiness and the Highest Good” (Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto, 2019)。

[80] 这一研究方法遵循以下一书:Alister Chapman, John Coffey, and Brad S. Gregory, eds., Seeing Things Their Way: Intellectual History and the Return of Religion (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2009), 1–276。

[81] Muller, PRRD, 1:31–32.

[82] 在英文版中,布雷克本人总共14次提到加尔文的名字,虽然并非都是在正面意义上提及。相比之下,路德的名字被提及11次,位居第二。参Brakel, CRS, 2:20、37、39, 3:355、360、362、364. 关于加尔文对荷兰改革宗传统的重大影响,参Herman J. Selderhuis, ed., Handbook of Dutch Church History (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2014), 203; Dieleman, The Battle for the Sabbath in the Dutch Reformation: Devotion or Desecration? (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019), 40, 76。

[83] 关于《海德堡教理问答》对荷兰改革宗传统的深刻影响,参W. van’t Spijker, ed., The Church’s Book of Comfort (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books,2008), 147–250; Karla Apperloo-Boersma and Herman J. Selderhuis, Power of Faith: 450 Years of the Heidelberg Catechism (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013), 159–202. 尽管卡斯帕·奥莱维亚努斯(Casper Olevianus)的作用有多大仍有争议,但学者们普遍认为乌尔辛努斯是《海德堡教理问答》的主要作者。有关最新文献,参Lyle D. Bierma (ed.), “The Purpose and Authorship of the Heidelberg Catechism,” in An Introduction to the Heidelberg Catechism: Sources, History, and Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2013), 49–74; Bierma, “Ursinus and the Theological Landscape of the Heidelberg Catechism,” in The Spirituality of the Heidelberg Catechism: Papers of the International Conference on the Heidelberg Catechism Held in Apeldoorn 2013, Arnold Huijgen, ed. (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015), 9–24。

[84] 关于埃姆斯与荷兰深入改教运动的密切联系及其对布雷克的影响的最新研究,参 Vliet, The Rise of Reformed System, 162–232。欲了解更全面的研究,参Keith L. Sprunger, The Learned Doctor William Ames: Dutch Backgrounds of English and American Puritanism (Chicago: University of Illinois, 1972)。

[85] 有关近代早期路德宗和改革宗对亚里士多德《尼各马可伦理学》的评论综述,参Manfred Svensson, “Aristotelian Practical Philosophy from Melanchthon to Eisenhart Protestant Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics 1529–1682”, 218–38。关于改革宗作者的更多哲学伦理作品,参Bartholomaeus Keckermann, Systema Ethicae, tribus libris adornatum & publicis praelectionibus traditum in Gymnasio Dantiscano (London: Nortoniana, 1607); Antonius Walaeus, Compendium ethicae Aristotelicae ad normam veritatis Christianae revocatum (Leiden: Elhardt, 1625); Moses Amyraut, La morale chrestienne, 6 vols. (Saumur: Isaac Desbordes, 1652–60); Daniel Puerari, Theses Logicae atque Ethicae (Geneva: Gamonet, 1660); Jean La Placette, La morale chrétienne (Amsterdam: George Gallet, 1701); Johann Heinrich Heidegger, Ethicae Christianae Prima Elementa (Leipzig: Breitkopf and Son, 1711); Bénédict Pictet, De christelyke zedekunst, of schriftuurlyke en natuurkundige grondtregels om godvruchtig le leeven, en zalig te sterven, trans. François Halma. 2nd ed. (The Hague: Pieter van Thol, 1731); Samuel Endemann, Institutiones Theologiae Moralis. 2 vols. (Frankfurt am Main: Johann Gottlieb Garbe, 1780). 这些参考文献来自巴文克的《改革宗伦理学》,第9–11页。

[86] 该统计基于对英文版的计算机检索,其中不包括目录、非布雷克撰写的导言部分,以及索引。保罗·斯马利(Paul Smally)在“喜乐”(joy)这一话题上也有类似的做法。参Smalley, “Satisfied with the Lord’s All-Sufficiency”, 235–66。